Male Themed Birthday Cakes
Male Themed Birthday Cakes
Gone Fishing
Giant cupcake Fishing theme
Dan with love
Rugby themed cake
My Dads Birthday cake, full of family jokes, happy memories and little special touches.
The top tier is made of a dummy cake so it can be kept. I knew my Dad wouldn't want to cut it. :)
Caravan and B-B-Q themed cake for Keith
Ski 18th Birthday cake for Kyle
Deans 30th Birthday cake with all his favourite things
Gaming, dog, laptop, pasta from his favourite restaurant.
Police themed cake
Happy 18th Steven
Golf themed cake and cat to celebrate this 18th
Cowboy cake and Jeans themed cake for Georges 80th Birthday
Fireman John celebrating 60 years
Dinosaur cake
for 9 year old Joel.
Car and Gardening themed cake for Tim's 70th
Golf themed Birthday cake with a few other favourite things.
Aeroplane themed cake
Spider and snake cake.
Gaming themed cake
Celebrating Keith's 70th Birthday with a gardening theme cake.
James celebrating 40 years with all his favourite things
18th Champagne popping cake
Fish themed cake.
Golf themed cake.
Pop's Shed
Gardening and Shed themed cake to celebrate 70 years.
Ski Birthday cake complete with Kyle in his Moncler hat, mobile phone and bubbly ready to celebrate.
Lots of fun for Deans cake
Police themed cake with Helmet
Snooker themed cake and favourite foods
Water boarding with the seals cake.
Georges back pockets of his Jeans Cake celebrating 80 years
Army Boots themed cake
Fire Engine cake
Car, golf and film clip themed cake Celebrating Stew's 40th
Vintage car and gardening theme for John.
Jeffersons Bike theme Birthday cake
Having a whale of a time cake. Lots of little details in the boat for Sam's Birthday
Spitfire themed cake
Travelling themed suitcase Birthday cake, with added favourite things.
Sporting themed cake
2 tier "Gone fishing" cake.
A 50th Birthday celebrating
"All Favourite things"
Mountain biking cake.
Everything handmade in the Cherry on the cake kitchen, included the bike.
Snow themed mountain biking
Tony's 70th Birthday, all the special memories from over the years on his cake. Making a real centre piece for his Birthday and a fantastic
Superhero cake for Conor
Birthday cake for this Pilot
Ski cake for Kyle's 18th
Handyman cake
Water boarding cake
Elvis cake to celebrate Syd's 70th Birthday
Football and Peppa Pig Cake
Fire Engine and Fireman cake
Favourite Things of the past 90 years for this Birthday Celebration, lots of little details.
Celebrating a 30th Birthday with Gardening, shed and
re-enactment cake
Fun making this edible whale and lots of little fun details for Sam. A fantastic reaction was had.
Travelling themed suitcase Birthday cake, with added favourite things.
Travelling themed suitcase Birthday cake, with added favourite things.
Gardening theme cake.
A little mention to James love of cream eggs
Irish hat Birthday cake for Kester
18th Birthday cake for Matt, with is bike.
Ski cake edged in mountains and trees.
Tiered police cake with top tier Helmet.
Hammer tools cake
Tools cake
Celebrating 60 years with gardening and filming
Edwards 40th Birthday with car and gardening themed cake
Gone Fishing cake
Gardening theme for this 70th Celebration.
Travelling themed suitcase Birthday cake, with added favourite things.
Lizard and Cactus themed cake celebrating Tristan's 18th Birthday.
Bike Chain cake
Army themed cake
Celebrating Ben's 18th